Glassfish v3 Deployment problem

From: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:04:23 PST

I am trying to run our webapp under glassfish v3. Currently we have a webapp that runs under tomcat 6.0, and I would like to move us as a company over to glassfish. When I try to deploy my war file (our app is a JSP/Struts 2 App) I get the following error:

C:\Program Files\sges-v3\bin>asadmin deploy \branches\ltf\dist\marketchorus.war
com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CommandException: remote failure: Exception while deploying the app : org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'taglib'. One of '{"":module-name, "":description, "":display-name, "":icon, "":distributable, "":context-param, "":filter, "":filter-mapping, "":listener, "":servlet, "":servlet-mapping, "":session-config, "":mime-mapping, "":welcome-file-list, "":error-page, "":jsp-config, "":security-constraint, "":login-config, "":security-role, "":env-entry, "":ejb-ref, "":ejb-local-ref, "":service-ref, "":resource-ref, "":resource-env-ref, "":message-destination-ref, "":persistence-context-ref, "":persistence-unit-ref, "":post-construct, "":pre-destroy, "":data-source, "":message-destination, "":locale-encoding-mapping-list, "":absolute-ordering}' is expected.

Command deploy failed.

I would appreciate any tips people could give me to help get past this error. The taglib entries in the web.xml that it seems to not like are as listed:


Thank you for any assistance that people can provide.
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