Re: restarting an application from asadmin (or enabling a security policy _on_ deployment)

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 09:44:02 -0500

Hi, Mathijs
    No, currently there is no asadmin command for restarting
application. But you can use the equivalent: "asadmin disable" +
"asadmin enable".
    Not sure about the specifics with the security policy, security team
might be able to help with a better alternative..

- Hong

>I am looking for a way to deploy applications and set their
>app-specific security policy.
>At the moment I have to do it like this:
>asadmin deploy myapp.war
>asadmin disable myapp
>[here I overwrite generated/policy/appname/modulename/granted.policy]
>asadmin enable myapp
>While it works, it feels a bit hacky & dirty.
>I tried deploying with --enabled=false (thus skipping the disable
>step) but in that case enabling it will overwrite my policy file
>Is there a way to use the AdminGui 'restart application' functionality
>from asadmin?
>If I change a granted.policy file and click the restart link in the
>admin gui afterwards, this will affectuate my policy.
>Or a way to somehow set the policy on deployment? (like asadmin deploy
>Or a way to include it in the .war file?
>I know it's also possible to put policies into server.policy and use
>'grant codeBase' to give policies to the app-specific code,
>but I couldn't find a way to enable those without restarting the
>domain (which would mean all apps on all virtual servers would suffer
>a few seconds downtime which is unacceptable).
>Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
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