I've got a standalone java client with the gf-client.jar of the local glassfish-v3 installation in the classpath. The EJB JAR is deployed on a remote host in the local network.
The client simply does the following...
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
MySessionBeanRemote bean = (MySessionBeanRemote) ic.lookup(
...and hangs on the [i]lookup()[/i] call. Although a TCP connection to port 3700 on the remote glassfish installation is established.
I tried setting the JVM properties as described in the FAQ and in
without success.
Deploying the application on a local glassfish-v3 installation and running the client on the same machine works as expected.
Any idea what could be wrong here?
[Message sent by forum member 'anusplus' (anus.plus_at_gmx.de)]