Putting up a "maintenance" placeholder page while upgrading an application

From: Mathijs Kwik <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 11:19:33 +0100

Hi all,

I'm deploying ruby/rails applications using warbler.
When upgrading an application (changing database scheme, or other
lenghty processes) I would like to put up some page saying "you
reached the right site, but we're down for some mins" instead of the
default 404 that disabling an app gives now.

Currently the web.xml files for apps I deploy has this in it:


Is it possible to have some kind of "check if some file exists and if
it does, render it and stop processing the request" functionality in
web.xml ?

Or maybe someone can give me an example of how to do a static, 1 page
website .war file that gives the same page, no matter what path is
asked for?
In that case I can just redeploy that one before a (possibly lengthy) upgrade.

Thanks for any help,