Calling a Web Service From a JRuby on Rails - Application

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 01:55:14 PST


I want call a web service and display / process the results in a rails application. I created a jar-File that contains a Web Service Client that was generated in Netbeans with JAX-WS-Style. When I put that jar-File into the domains/domain1/lib - Folder and try to include the class to my ruby app via

include_class 'test.TestClient'

I get the error message 'cannot load Java class test.TestClient.

When I put the same jar-File to the domains/domain1/lib/ext - Folder, I can include the class to my ruby app, but I cannot call the Web Service:

INFO: NativeException (java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: Provider could not be instantiated: java.lang.ClassCastException):
  java/util/ `fail'
  java/util/ `access$100'
  java/util/ `next'
  java/util/ `next'
  javax/xml/ws/spi/ `getProviderUsingServiceLoader'
  javax/xml/ws/spi/ `provider'
  javax/xml/ws/ `<init>'
  com/west_wind/foxcentral/ `<init>'
  test/ `getArticles'
  app/controllers/rule_sets_controller.rb:13:in `index'
  haml (2.2.16) lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:19:in `process'
  file:/C:/Programme/sges-v3/glassfish/modules/grizzly-jruby.jar!/rack/adapter/rails.rb:133:in `call'
  file:/C:/Programme/sges-v3/glassfish/modules/grizzly-jruby.jar!/rack/handler/grizzly.rb:55:in `call'

I tried both methods from a Java Web Application, too. Method 1 works (in lib-Folder); Method 2 produces the same error as the jruby-app.

Am I putting the jar-File to the wrong directory? Or do I have to include other libs, too?

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