Glassfish deployment problem

From: <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:36:02 PST

I can successfully deploy my web application as a WAR file using the asadmin deploy command. Now I would like to deploy it as an exploded directory instead. To do this, I simply unzip my WAR file into a directory, and then run asadmin deploydir with the following result:

mkdir MyApp
unzip MyApp.war -d MyApp
asadmin.bat deploydir MyApp
CLI171 Command deploydir failed : Deploying application in domain failed; Unreco
gnized module type for C:\temp2\MyApp; the archive may be incorrectly constr
ucted, non-existent, or inaccessible from the server.
For example, an application client jar should include the proper manifest file e
ntry, and an ejb jar should contain at least one EJB.

If I instead deploy the war file using asadmin deploy, I get the following result:

asadmin.bat deploy MyApp.war
Command deploy executed successfully.

I don't understand how deployment of the file can succeed and the directory fail, considering that they should have exactly the same content.

I am running Glassfish 2.1 on Windows XP with Cygwin.

Thanks in advance for your input,
[Message sent by forum member 'jfowler2' (]