Re: Deployment of an EAR with multiple WARs to different HTTP listeners

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:49:53 +0100

2010/1/26 <>:
> Hi,
> I have an application EAR that consists of two WARs and a single EJB JAR.
> For security reasons (let's say, different SSL trust stores), the web applications must use different HTTP listeners, and each web application must only be accessible by one of the listeners, e.g.:
> https://myhost:8443/webapp1  --> OK
> https://myhost:8443/webapp2  --> FAIL
> https://myhost:9443/webapp1  --> FAIL
> https://myhost:9443/webapp2  --> OK

I think all you can do now is to hide Glassfish behind something else
like Apache HTTP server and configure it as a proxy for Glassfish.