Re: Deployment of an EAR with multiple WARs to different HTTP listeners

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:28:28 +0100

2010/1/26 Dominik Dorn <>:
> you could split up the ear and deploy the classes of the ear as an own
> application
> and access them with ejb from two separate web-applications.. You can
> then assign
> the web-applications to different vhosts

I am not sure, but local interfaces allow access only from within the
same application, so if EJB module has a session bean with local
interface - it will not be available to another module deployed as
separate application. As far as I remember, different vendors can
choose to enable such access, but it is not guaranteed by JEE
specification and I think it will not work with Glassfish.