Re: Glassfish V3 with Webbeans/Weld via EAR not working???

From: <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 06:34:25 PST


In the original application the weld beans were packaged in a separate JAR that was stored in the lib folder of the EAR. The jar as mentioned had a META-INF/beans.xml, this should have been enough to cause the bean to be picked.

This didn't work, so I promoted the JAR to an EJB-JAR, now it was stored at the top level of the EAR. Again, Weld did not pick it up.

Now, I have gotten rid of the EAR structure and the same JAR is stored under WEB-INF/lib. Now the bean is being picked up by Weld.

Really, I don't need an EAR for JEE6 because EJB Lite means that I can have EJB's in a WAR project. At present I don't use java messaging or web services, but I will be exploring these at a later date.

So EAR support for Weld is pretty important (and it should be working, because it works under JBoss 6.x, but then Jboss is slow as a dog so I'm not using it).

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