Re: Authentication/authorization using Glassfish gem?

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 09:22:15 -0800

Paul Blair wrote:
> We have a Rails application that runs under the Glassfish gem, running
> behind a Sun Java System Web Server acting as a reverse proxy. The
> thinking was that we could use the front-end web server to handle
> authentication against our LDAP, and then pass only authorized
> requests through to Rails.
> Unfortunately, it's looking like we can't use the web server for this
> purpose; from what we've seen there seems to be no way to
> password-protect URLs that are reverse proxied through the Sun web server.
> We're looking at various other alternatives, such as moving from the
> Glassfish gem to a full Glassfish installation and running the Rails
> app as a war file. However, we'd first like to make sure there's no
> way to get the Glassfish gem to handle authentication/authorization
> using LDAP. Is there anything we can do here?

Well, glassfish gem does not provide container level login/ldap support.
So you have two choices, one that you already mentioned (using glassfish
v3 and depoying as WAR). you might also like to install OpenDS with it.
For more info checkout,

The second option might be to use ActiveLdap rails plugin with glassfish
gem. I have not tried it but you can read about it here:


> --
> Paul Blair
> <>