Re: NoClassDefFoundError javax/resource/spi/ResourceAdapter

From: Jagadish Prasath Ramu <Jagadish.Ramu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:20:48 +0530

Adding jmsra jars to system classpath makes them available above the
classloader that will provide javaee API and hence the exception.

When the entries are removed, jms-ra jars are loaded by the same
classloader that has access to javaee jars and will work fine.


On Thu, 2009-12-17 at 07:23 -0500, Bhaarat Sharma wrote:
> wow..i fixed it. before sending the email out i figured i'd try one
> more thing. we were moving to Sun App Server 8.2 to Glassfish V2. On
> 8.2 we had the following system-classpath: ${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/
> lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar
> ${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/jaxm-api.jar
> ${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/fscontext.jar
> ${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.antLib}/ant.jar
> So I added it to glassfish as well. I just removed it now and am able
> to restart the server.
> questions arising from this: i dont think any of the jars i had added
> to system-classpath have conflicting ResourceAdapters so why did
> removing them work? or is it that if something is added to glassfish
> then it starts to ignore jar's in side the lib and not mentioned in
> system-classpath?