Re: GlassFish V3 - Running as Windows Service in Windows 2008Server

From: Javier Posadas <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 18:29:47 -0300

I tried this but didnt work either. Finally I solved the problem using a
Service Wrapper.
It is described in

Thanks anyway.

             un.COM> To
             Sent by:
             n.COM cc
             16/12/2009 15:54
             Please respond to Subject
             users_at_glassfish.d Re: GlassFish V3 - Running as
       Windows Service in Windows


Please try asadmin create-service <domain-name> on your v3 installation. It

should work.

Let's know if there are any problems.

Javier Posadas wrote:
> Ok, but this solution doesn�t apply to V3, does anyone have another idea
> ???

> "Sigal

> Shaharabani"

> <Sigal.Shaharaban
> i_at_Teledata-Networ

>> <>

> 16/12/2009 11:28



> Please respond to

> users_at_glassfish.d

> RE: GlassFish V3 - Running as

> Windows Service in Windows

> 2008Server










> We're using glassfish v2
> This exe is at <install-dir>\lib\
> P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
> From: Javier Posadas []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: GlassFish V3 - Running as Windows Service in Windows
> 2008Server
> Yeah, but what version of Glassfish are you using ?
> I tried the SVC but I got this error:
> "appservService.exe not found"
> And this file is not present in any directory, thats why I suppose the
> problem is that this solution applies only to versions previous to
> Glassfish V3 ....

> "Sigal Shaharabani"

> <Sigal.Shaharabani_at_Teledata-Networks

> .com>

> 16/12/2009 10:22 AM >


> RE: GlassFish V3 - Running
> Windows Service in Windows

> Please respond to 2008 Server











> We're using GlassfishSvc to make Glassfish a windows service

> P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
> From: Javier Posadas []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: GlassFish V3 - Running as Windows Service in Windows 2008 Server
> Hi,
> I have recently installed Glassfish V3 on a Windows 2008 Server EE
> and I can't manage to make it work as a Windows Service, any time I log
> out, the server goes down and I have to start it manually when I log in.
> have browsed many webpages that suggest diferent solutions but no one
> worked for me.
> Some of them point to create a Windows Service referencing the
> C:\Sun\AppServer\lib\appservService.exe
> But this executable is not present in any of my installation
> directories (I think that this is present in previous versions of
> Glassfish).
> Other solutions suggested point to make some changes in xml
> configuration files:
> <jvm-options>-Xrs</jvm-options> (domain.xml)
> or
> <process name="as9-server"> (processLauncher.xml)
> ...
> <sysproperty key="-Xrs"/>
> ...
> None of these worked for me. I suspect that the problem is that
> don't apply for Windows 2008 Server. Any ideas ?
> Thanks a lot, Javier.

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