Re: Help installing SSL certificate from GoDaddy

From: Sebastian Choren <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 18:04:41 -0300

Thank you man! but i already tried that, and didn't work for me. Maybe
i'm doing something wrong?
When I put the output file (keystore.ImportKey) in
domain1/config/keystore.jks so glassfish would read it (that was a
guess, i don't know if i should do that), when i tried to start
glassfish it thhrowed an exception telling that the key password and
keystroke password aren't the same, or something like that.

Most likely i'm doing something wrong. If i just follow that howto,
should it work? or i should do something else they asume i know?

thank you
Sebastián Choren

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Alex Sherwin
<> wrote:
> Sebastian Choren wrote:
>> Hi. I'm trying to install an SSL certificate I bought from GoDaddy.
>> The thing is that i created the csr with openSSL instead of using
>> keytool. Now, is there any way that i can import they key file in the
>> Glassfish keystore?
>> Thanks in advice
>> Sebastián Choren
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> Yes, but you have to do a bit of leg work to get your private key used to
> generate your CSR into a keystore:
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