JavaEE 6 and GlassFish v3 Virtual Conference - Tomorrow!

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 17:32:07 -0800

I just realized that nobody has sent an invitation to the USERS and DEV
aliases about the online Virtual Conference that we are hosting
tomorrow; we had sent invites to several places, including the GlassFish
registration mailing list, TheAquarium and Twitter_at_glassfish but we
missed DEV and USERS.

The online conference is tomorrow, Dec 15th. 8am->5pm. Pacific Time.

It is free but you need to register. Attendance is through your
(flash-enabled) browser. In addition to the actual presentation
(slides+audio), there will be demos in a number of the sessions. We
also provide a chat room and we will answer Qs during the presentation.

Registration is at [1].
Additional details at [2] and [3].


I will be using twitter @glassfish to let you know when each
presentation goes online.

The response so far has been very good. Hope to see many of you tomorrow.

        - eduard/o