Re: Linked policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps

From: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:29:56 PST

Hi Ron,

I checked my test application and played around with different configurations.
Finally I come to the following result:

I have no security-role-mapping defined in the sun-ejb-jar.xml and also no ones in the sun-web.xml file. All Security-role-mappings are defined only in the sun-application.xml file of my ear. When I try to deploy I got the Error message :

Linked policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps (imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-ejb-0_0_2-SNAPSHOT_jar) <-> (imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT/imixs-workflow-testclient-web-0_0_2-SNAPSHOT_war_internal)

where '_internal' is not the module name of my web module (!?). The defined name should be imixs-workflow-testclient-web-0_0_2-SNAPSHOT_war

After deployment fails with this error message I can not redeploy anymore. A deployment results now always in the error message :

SCHWERWIEGEND: Exception while loading the app
org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT -- Inconsistent Module State

So it is necessary to delete the directory /domain1/generated/policy/imixs-workflow-testclient-ear-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT manually and restart the server before I can start a new redeployment.

After all my tests it seems that the problem is the embedded EJB module which I placed into the /lib directory of my EAR.
When I remove this shared EJB module deployment works fine.

The shared EJB Module defines one Session EJB without any @DeclareRoles annotation.

I have uploaded the EAR so you can see the structure of this app and also the provide descriptor files:

thanks for any help
[Message sent by forum member 'rsoika' ]