Confused about JAX-RS 1.1, JEE6, and glassfish

From: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 13:54:50 PST

The following is a part of JAX-RS 1.1 specification:

2.3.2 Servlet
A JAX-RS application is packaged as a Web application in a .war file. The application classes are packaged in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib and required libraries are packaged in WEB-INF/lib. See the Servlet specification for full details on packaging of web applications.
It is RECOMMENDED that implementations support the Servlet 3 framework pluggability mechanism to enable portability between containers and to avail themselves of container-supplied class scanning facilities.
When using the pluggability mechanism the following conditions MUST be met:
• If no Application subclass is present the added servlet MUST be named: and all root resource classes and providers packaged in the web application MUST be included in the
published JAX-RS application. The application MUST be packaged with a web.xml that specifies a servlet mapping for the added servlet.
• If an Application subclass is present and there is already a servlet defined that has a servlet initialization parameter named:
whose value is the fully qualified name of the Application subclass then no new servlet should be
added by the JAX-RS implementation’s ContainerInitializer since the application is already being handled by an existing servlet.
• If an Application subclass is present that is not being handled by an existing servlet then the servlet added by the ContainerInitializerMUST be named with the fully qualified name of the Application subclass. If the Application subclass is annotated with @ApplicationPath and no servlet-mapping exists for the added servlet then a new servlet mapping is added with the value of
the @ApplicationPath annotation with ”/*” appended otherwise the existing mapping is used. If the Application subclass is not annotated with @ApplicationPath then the application MUST be packaged with a web.xml that specifies a servlet mapping for the added servlet. It is an error for
more than one application to be deployed at the same effective servlet mapping
In either of the latter two cases, if both Application.getClasses and Application.getSingletons
return an empty list then all root resource classes and providers packaged in the web application MUST
be included in the published JAX-RS application. If either getClasses or getSingletons return a
non-empty list then only those classes or singletons returned MUST be included in the published JAX-RS
If not using the Servlet 3 framework pluggability mechanism (e.g. in a pre-Servet 3.0 container), the
servlet-class or filter-class element of the web.xml descriptor SHOULD name the JAX-RS
implementation-supplied servlet or filter class respectively. The Application subclass SHOULD be identified
using an init-param with a param-name of

so my question(s) are:

-Does glassfish v3 support what is mentioned before???
- What servlet does the spec. takes about by saying :
" If an Application subclass is present that is not being handled by an existing servlet then the servlet added by the ContainerInitializerMUST be named with the fully qualified name of the Application subclass."
[Message sent by forum member 'mohammed_qaimari' ]