Re: GlassFish v3, EJB 3.1 and Standalone Client

From: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 17:55:45 PST

> hi team.
> I'm very glad releasing javaee 6.
> I download netbeans 6.8 with GlassFish v3 and try to
> write simple ejb 3.1 application.
> ejb module deployed successfully without any problem,
> after this I've created new simple java application
> and try to call ejb 3.1 session bean.
> but no success.
> can anybody show me sample code how to call ejb 3.1
> from standalone client ??
> I was working with ejb 3.0 and jboss. I had not any
> problem from standalone client.
> ejb 3.0 standalone client for jboss:
> {code}
> Properties env = new Properties();
> env.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial",
> "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
> env.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url",
> "localhost:1099");
> env.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs",
> "org.jboss.naming");
> InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
> SomeSessionInt sBean =
> (SomeSessionInt)ctx.lookup("SomeSessionBean/remote");
> {code}
> can anybody tell me which client jars are required
> for client application and what is the environment
> properties should i set ?
> PS.
> Also i tried to make enterprise application with ejb
> and web module into netbeans. but there wasn't any
> problem to inject ejb session bean from jsf managed
> bean. problem is how to lookup ejb from standalone
> client.
> any ideas will be appreciated.
> _______________________________
> Regards,
> Paata Lominadze.

Hi, I have the same problem with glassfishv3 while I try to run standalone client. I couldn't get session bean reference.
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