Re: Glassfish Embedded: Classloaders, (un/re)deployment

From: Siraj Ghaffar <Siraj.Ghaffar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 14:56:17 -0500

cemerick wrote:
> I'm poking around at the various embeddable web/app servers out there, for an
> embedded application that we'd like to push changes to frequently without
> restarts.
> I've seen some references on blogs, etc., to how GF embedded just uses the
> "system classloader", thereby not "paying the price" of classloader
> hierarchies. However, that classloader isolation (and the class GC and such
> that goes with it) is critical to me in the above context.
> So: does deployment and undeployment in embedded glassfish imply the same
> kind of classloader isolation/hierarchy that one can expect in a "normal"
> app server, or does embedded carry some different classloader/app
> redeployment semantics?
yes, it should be the same
> (FWIW, I did a fair bit of searching and reading, but didn't come across
> anything definitive. I suspect the answer is obvious to anyone who's used
> GF/GF embedded for any period of time.)
> Thanks,
> - Chas