Vincent Deschênes wrote:
> Try this sample project in the zip file.
> I have a java project, a ear application and a web app with an index.jsp that is using a class from the test project which is
> bundled using the "in lib dir" option.
> When running index.jsp you will get an error.
Works for me, I see the "allo" text in the running page.
I had to chance a reference to a JDK 1.6 u17 as on my mac, it is a
previous one.
> VD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Deschênes []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Eclipse plug-in - jar does not ends up in the lib dir when using "In Lib Dir" option
> Ok but then how does the classes in the exploded directory are made available to the other project of the application?
> That would be my problem. These classes are not in my classpath at runtime.
> VD
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