Flush JMS doesnt work

From: <>
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:41:15 PST

Hi guys,

Im trying to flush a jms destination but i cant. All times I got same message:

CLI137 Command flush-jmsdest failed.

Commands tried:
asadmin> flush-jmsdest --user admin --passwordfile C:/glassfish/domains/domain4/
config/domain-passwords --host localhost --port 4848 --desttype queue CrawlerQue

asadmin> flush-jmsdest --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt --host localhos
t --port 4848 --desttype -T queue CrawlerQueue

What I have to do? I think its an important feature because my mbeans could process large tasks and I have to purge some messages some times.

Thank you
[Message sent by forum member 'josecarlosbarros' ]