As i said I would do, I I used Netbeans 6.7.1 and Glassfish v2ur2 this weekend to create an EJB that uses an entity class in a library file.
It worked perfectly on glassfish v2ur2, but when i tried to deploy the same jar (EJB jar) to Glassfish v3-b73 it failed with the same error message as before.
I have attached the compiler EJB jar file to deploy on glassfish. All you need to deploy it is a JDBC resouce where the JNDI name is "jdbc/vehicle".
It need to be deployed as an jar (EJB jar) not an EAR file. I rely completely on Netbeans to structure the file for me.
After being deployed you can use the Glassfish web servise test client to add vehicles to the database.
[Message sent by forum member 'gadnex' ]