RE: Cannot see external changes to database (GFv2)

From: Sigal Shaharabani <>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 15:03:53 +0200

Perhaps a "commit" is missing?



From: Markus Karg []
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Cannot see external changes to database (GFv2)


One of our customers is complaining about the following behaviour (which
we can reproduce in our lab):


Using a third party software, he does UPDATEs to the database GlassFish
is accessing (using included JPA RI).


That changes are not "seen" by GlassFish, i. e. if we do a simple
"findAll", then the row is shown unchanged.


We think the problem is a performance improvement in TopLink (not
loading the data again, but just checking if it is still there).


How to tell GlassFish / TopLink that *a particular table* is updated
externally, so it must reload the full row at each SELECT?





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