Re: Last Chance GFv3 Dev Guide & domain.xml Doc Reviews

From: Shalini Muthukrishnan <Shalini.Muthukrishnan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:06:35 +0530

Hi June,

Some comments on Administration Reference Guide :

- Page 79, validation-table-name : "This parameter is mandatory if and
only if *connection validation is enabled* and
connection-validation-method is set to table".

- Page 79, validation-classname : "This parameter is mandatory if
*connection validation is enabled* and connection-validation-method is
set to custom-validation".

- Page 79, init-sql : "Specifies an SQL string to be executed whenever a
*physical *connection *to the database *is created *from the pool *(not
*the connections that are *reused *from the pool*)."

- Page 81, wrap-jdbc-objects : Description wrongly states (in the last
line) that the default is false. This should be changed to "true".

- Page 82, table 1-80, Please add *"Prefer-Validate-Over-Recreate"*
property with a description.


June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> GlassFish Engineers,
> If you are listed in the Reviewers table for either of these manuals,
> please make one last check of your sections and enter corrections in
> the Comments table or email me. Those of you who are not in the
> Reviewers table are welcome to comment as well. These books have been
> reviewed previously, so they should be in good shape, but the more
> they're reviewed, the better.
> The official review period begins Monday, Nov. 23 and ends *Tuesday,
> Dec. 1*. I'll be taking tomorrow and next week off, so I'm sending
> these out today.
> June