bit puzzled by glassfish

From: Mathijs Kwik <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:23:39 +0100

Hi all,

I'm investigating to move to glassfish v3 when it comes out, so I
installed the latest preview (glassfish-v3-b73).

I have a couple of questions:

1) I found "ruby container" and installed jruby. Now if I want to
deploy rails apps, I have to turn them into a .war file I think.
Do I need to use warbler for this?
Since Warbler includes jruby into the war, this doesn't feel right,
because glassfish now has its own jruby installation.
I know about the glassfish gem, but I prefer just uploading a war.
Also, I think the gem will start separated vms for every app and not
use the installed glassfish, but I might be mistaken.

2) I have some java applications (mainly network server) that are
currently just started by "java -jar" with some parameters.
How can I tell glassfish to serve the application and what parameters to pass?
I tried uploading the jar but I get errors about missing framework.

3) Filesystem security per app
When running multiple applications, if 1 app gets hacked, I don't want
the intruder to be able to look/modify other application code/state.
Using ruby (the c version), I just created multiple system users and
started their processes as that user. I then used filesystem
permissions to make sure a hacked app could not reach other app
Since glassfish runs as a single user, I would like to somehow impose
a similar restriction on apps.
How can I achieve this?

4) Jetty as servlet container
I've done some testing/playing with jetty (v6) continuations. I would
like to do some more serious comet-like stuff in the future.
Is it possible to configure glassfish to use jetty for web applications?
Or does glassfish offer something similar?
It's not just for the comet stuff, I understood jetty is also very
good performance-wise.

Thanks for any help