How to use JSF 1.2 on Glassfish v3 - in an EAR

From: Brian Leathem <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 09:25:34 -0800

(I'm sorry if this message is getting posted multiple times - I'm having
a heck of a time getting it posted)

The prescribed solution for getting JSF 1.2 to work with Glassfish v3 is
to package the JSF 1.2 implementation with your WAR, and modify the

On 6/16/09 9:01 AM, wrote:

> > > Include a sun-web.xml that looks something like:
> > > [...]
> > > <class-loader delegate="false"/>
> > > [...]

It seems however, that this solution only works for stand-alone WARs
(see [1] below). How can I use JSF 1.2 on Glassfish v3 when my web
project is bundled in an EAR that looks up EJB's from a serparate EJB-JAR ?

Brian Leathem

[1]: From the Sun deployment guide:
(optional) If true, the web module follows the standard class loader
delegation model and
delegates to its parent class loader first before looking in the local
class loader. You must set
this to true for a web application that accesses EJB components or that
acts as a web service
client or endpoint.
If false, the web module follows the delegation model specified in the
Servlet specification
and looks in its class loader before looking in the parent class loader.
It’s safe to set this to
only for a web module that does not interact with any other modules.