Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> I have this application that should notify several external services
> (twitter, etc..) .. and I am thinking of using Future tasks for that..
> what means:
> myCode() {
> // do business here
> // push future threads in a pool
> // respond to the client while the future tasks run out there...
> }
> I don't care about the results of the future tasks, if a notification
> to twitter fails for example it doesn't matter for my business....
> So, I was wondering if Glassfish gives me such a thread pool ..
You could consider using Connectors WorkManager. See the discussion at
Work Management Contract at
The WorkManager does not give a rich interface such as Future but is
backed by a Thread pool. You would then write a simple resource adapter
, use a Work instance to send your notifications and submit such Work
instances to the WorkManager for execution.
> (instead of my application to create it all the time....)
> ------------------------------------------
> Felipe Gaścho
> 10+ Java Programmer
> CEJUG Senior Adviser
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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