Re: Glassfish 2.1 Patch09 breaks with Patch12

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 17:19:57 -0800

On 11/20/09 11:05, wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We're testing the sges-2_1_1-linux-ml.bin patch on our development systems prior to implementing on production and this patch appears to break our previous version of Glassfish (2.1 Patch03 / 9.1_02 Patch09).
> By break I mean GF loses contact with the application we have installed and within GF itself, it keeps throwing "HTTP Status 500" pages when browsing to, for example, "Configurations->default-config->JVM Settings" and then clicking on the "JVM Options" tab at the top. This error appears on most GF pages when you click anything other than the First Tab listed.
> I've searched high and low and cannot figure out what's going on. Here's the details:
> Our base OS: Enterprise Linux 4.7
> Our application is Sun Identity Manager 8.0
> Here's what we've tried:
> Installing this bundle alone works:
> [b]java_ee_sdk-507-linux.bin[/b]
> Installing this bundle alone works:
> [b]java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u17-linux.bin[/b]
> Installing this bundle:
> [b]java_ee_sdk-507-linux.bin[/b]
> ..and upgrading using this patch, fails:
> [b]sges-2_1_1-linux-ml.bin[/b]
> I’ve attached some pictures of what happens:
> Picture1 (Top) = the application as installed pre-patch
> Picture1 (Bottom) = the application after the patch is applied
> Picture2 = shows how GlassFish is throwing exceptions when clicking on other links, usually links that have pages with multiple tabs. For example this error was generated by browsing to: “JVM Settings->JVM Options (the third tab)”, usually the first tabs display correctly.
> Here is the full error message contained in Picture2 (and other pages when the 2nd tab is clicked):
> “[b]HTTP Status 500 -[/b]
> [b]type [/b]Exception report
> [b]message[/b]
> [b]description [/b]The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
> [b]exception[/b]
> javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to process a 'beforeCreate' event for 'page1'.
> [b]root cause[/b]
> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to process a 'beforeCreate' event for 'page1'.
> [b]root cause[/b]
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> [b]root cause[/b]
> java.lang.NullPointerException”

The complete stacktraces in the server.log would be more informative.
What do they look like?


> We really need to install this patch for security purposes, but if it breaks our current GF installation, then we can't do it.
> Any help would be much appreciated, Thank You
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