About HTTP Listener configuration

From: Bruno Bonfils <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 00:49:08 +0100


I run glassfish for some website which have a lot of requests. I
actually use a glassfish (on T2000) in cluster mode in order to have one
JVM per application, there is no sessions synchronization. Each
application (8 per T2000) is running on its own standalone instance. All
of theses are managed by a simple DAS (still one per server).

For sure, each instance use differents ports, have all of them have at
least one extra virtual servers, with a default web module.

I'm wondering about the good way to configure http listener, indeed,
these last few days, some trouble occured on all instances, eg. the HTTP
listeners was able to accepte a connection, but unable to answer
to a simple GET request (GET / HTTP1.0).

So, I would like to understand good the differents layers of the HTTP
stack. Actually, it seems to be difficult to have an overview about all

According [], I
understand the following stack:

        | |
        V V
 [ Acceptor Thread ] [ Acceptor Thread ]
        | |
 ---------- Connection Queue -----------
    | | | | |
    V V V V V
  [---- Sessions thread -----]

By default, there is one acceptor thread by http-listener (in my case, 8
instances, "cost" 8 + 1 threads).

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