Re: JSF - Binding Dynamically built HtmlPanelGrid HtmlCommandLink to backing bean.

From: rdblaha1 <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 07:46:16 -0800 (PST)

rdblaha1 wrote:
> Would someone please help me in completion of binding/transferring my
> value
> from my HtmlCommandLink to be used in the backing bean?

OK. Here is what I found and what works. This is complete replacement code
for what I presented in the previous post. This code is simpler and easier
once I learned how to do it. I learned there is a huge difference between
the introductory JSF code in chapter 1 and the Integrating of Data Grids in
chapter 10 of JavaServerFaces In Action (Manning C 2005). Even in reading
and using these examples (the first got me facing the problem I did and the
second suggested I change my method) it still did not answer the question I
needed answered. I ended up copying from a previous Visual ICEFaces project
I had succesfully built. The final and key answer to my question I got
from a blog I found searching for 'HtmlOutputText binding'. Passing
component attributes from JSF to backing beans Again I have implemented
all in the following replacement code.


private String itemDataTableArray[][];

public void addItemNumbers(ValueChangeEvent changeEvent)
        srchDesc= "";
        srchItemno = (String)changeEvent.getNewValue();
        itemDataTableArray = getItemsByItemno( srchItemno);

private HtmlDataTable itemDataTable = new HtmlDataTable();

public HtmlDataTable getItemDataTable() {
        return itemDataTable;

public void setItemDataTable(HtmlDataTable hdt) {
        this.itemDataTable = hdt;

private UIColumn column1 = new UIColumn();

public UIColumn getColumn1() {
        return column1;

public void setColumn1(UIColumn uic) {
        this.column1 = uic;
private UIColumn column2 = new UIColumn();

public UIColumn getColumn2() {
        return column2;

public void setColumn2(UIColumn uic) {
        this.column2 = uic;

This is displayed by the JSP page with the following code:
<h:dataTable id="itemDataTable" var="currentRow" styleClass="list_form"
rowClasses="odd_row, even_row" border="1" cellspacing="5"
binding="#{itembean.itemDataTable}" value="#{itembean.itemDataTableArray}">
        <h:column binding="#{itembean.column1}" id="column1">
                <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="Item Number" />
                <h:commandLink action="#{itemcountbean.listSetup}">
                        <h:outputText id="outputText1"
binding="#{itemcountbean.itemnoHtmlOutputText}" value="#{currentRow[0]}" >
                                <f:attribute name="itemText" value="#{currentRow[0]}" />
        <h:column binding="#{itembean.column2}" id="column2">
                <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText value="Item Desc" />
                <h:outputText id="outputText2" value="#{currentRow[1]}" />

The itemcountbean has the following coding in itemcountbean:

        private String item = null;
        private HtmlOutputText itemHtmlOutputText;


         * @return the itemHtmlOutputText
        public HtmlOutputText getItemHtmlOutputText() {
                return itemHtmlOutputText;

         * @return the itemHtmlOutputText
    public String getItemHtmlOutputTextValue() {
        return (String) itemHtmlOutputText.getAttributes().get("itemText");

         * @param itemHtmlOutputText the itemHtmlOutputText to set
        public void setitemHtmlOutputText(HtmlOutputText itemHtmlOutputText) {
                this.itemHtmlOutputText = itemHtmlOutputText;

        // Setup methods
        public String listSetup() {
                item = getItemHtmlOutputTextValue();
                return "itemcount_itemlist";


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