Re: GF log directory

From: Paulo Reis <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 14:40:55 -0200

Ops, the log was generated inside of ³config² path of glassfish-v2.1.1
domain installation.


On 11/11/09 2:26 PM, "Paulo Cesar Silva Reis" <> wrote:

> Does anybody knows this information to share please?
> Iıve noticed that the log file was generated on my Documents location (on
> macOSX) weird, how to get the correct log path? Or there is other way to
> accomplish what I want?
> Thanks.
> On 11/10/09 5:00 PM, "Paulo Cesar Silva Reis" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to know how can I get the log directory inside my app? Example, I want
>> to append a log file named Œmy_log.logı inside the same folder that contains
>> the server.log so in my app I do somethinı like:
>> logger.addHandler(new FileHandler( ³my_log.log² ));
>> So my question is: Where this log will be generated? If not inside the
>> /domains/domain_name/logs how can I reference it?
>> Thanks.