Re: GF log directory

From: Paulo Reis <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 14:26:50 -0200

Does anybody knows this information to share please?

Iıve noticed that the log file was generated on my Documents location (on
macOSX) weird, how to get the correct log path? Or there is other way to
accomplish what I want?


On 11/10/09 5:00 PM, "Paulo Cesar Silva Reis" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to know how can I get the log directory inside my app? Example, I want
> to append a log file named Œmy_log.logı inside the same folder that contains
> the server.log so in my app I do somethinı like:
> logger.addHandler(new FileHandler( ³my_log.log² ));
> So my question is: Where this log will be generated? If not inside the
> /domains/domain_name/logs how can I reference it?
> Thanks.