Re: A Maven repository for javax.interceptor

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 09:54:14 +0530

You should not be depending on javax.ejb and nor should you use
javax.interceptor even if it were available. To compile your code, you
should be using a different dependency for Java EE APIs.


Which repo has this artifact? Is there a non-SNAPSHOT version?

Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that the interceptor is a seperate spec (still bundled with EJBs,
> but a seperate spec) which also workd with ManagedBeans, I was
> excepting to see a javax.interceptor repository under
> (a bit like
> javax.annotation). But it's not the case.
> I'm developing a javax.annotation.ManagedBean and I use an
> interceptor. It's a bit frustrating to have a dependency to javax.ejb
> when I just want to use an interceptor for a ManagedBean.
> Will this separate javax.interceptor be created or it will stay with
> javax.ejb ?
> Thanks,
> Antonio