Re: Sending messages between two different Glassfish instances

From: Nils <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 08:46:32 +0100

Thx for your quick replay!

However I'm still a bit confused by your answer. In order to send a
JMS message from one appserver to another (which are not clustered) I
need to:

1. Add the AddressList property to the ConnectionFactory which is used
for sending: mq://recievingHost:7676

2. Then I need to add the following annotation to the MDB receiving
this message:

        @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "addressList",
        propertyValue = "mq://sendingHost:7676")

Since every MDB has a queue assigned, is this somehow related to the
properties of the concerning queue? I still couldn't get it to work,
is there anything else that I can check? Is there a way to check
whether the message is stuck in the application server and why I could
not be delivered?
