Re: Using asadmin create-service on Solaris as non-root

From: Steve Essery <Steve.Essery_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:16:14 +0000
Alex Sherwin wrote:
Is it possible to use create-service on Solaris as a non-root user?

I've tried adding the solaris.smf auths to my user such as "usermod -A solaris.smf.* [my_user]" without luck, as well as following the instructions in the "Restricting Service Administration in the Solaris 10 Operating System" guide 819-2887.pdf, which has you create a role for the "Service Management" and assign the role to the user, which I have done as well, to no avail.

I see this error when I try to run the command as non-root:

-bash-3.00$ asadmin create-service --passwordfile /export/home/[my_user]/domains/[my_domain]/config/service.passwd --serviceproperties net_privaddr /export/home/[my_user]/domains/[my_domain]
The user [[my_user]] does not have permission to create the service manifest related files and directories at [/var/svc/manifest/application/SUNWappserver/]. This structure is required per SMF guidelines. Either become super-user to do this operation or contact the System Administrator to explicitly get the relevant permissions and try again.
The solaris.smf privileges only give you permissions to modify the smf services via the smf tools - they don't grant the ability to write to root-owned directories.... and you probably don't want to grant the additional privileges to allow a user to be able to ignore the file permission bits without careful thought.  As the error suggests, running the asadmin command as root is the best course of action.

In the asadmin create-service --help information it does state:

     To run this command, you must have solaris.smf.*  authoriza-
     tion.   See the useradd and usermod manpages to find out how
     to set the authorizations. It  is  also  essential  for  the
     users  to  have  write  permission  in  the  directory tree:
     /var/svc/manifest/application/SUNWappserver.  Usually,   the
     super-user  has both these permissions. If one wishes to run
     these commands as non-root user, then the system administra-
     tor  must  be  contacted so that the relevant authorizations
     are granted.

     You need to also ensure that:

         o    Solaris 10 administration commands such as  svccfg,
              svcs,  and auths are available in the PATH, so that
              these commands can be executed. A simple test to do
              so  is to issue the command, which svccfg on a bash

         o    You should have  write  permission  for  the  path,

An intermediate solution is to pre-create the /var/svc/manifest/application/SUNWappserver directory, make it owned by root and put it into the same group as your user, then chmod the SUNWappserver directory so its group-writable.


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