Generic RA, two different queues - MDB does not receive messages

From: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 05:02:35 PDT

Hi there,

I'm using Glassfish v2.1 with genericra to connect to IBM MQ Series Queues.
There are 2 queues on 2 different hosts.

I have a stateless EJB which sends messages to queue A. This is working.
At the other end, someone receives my message and sends back another one, using [b]a different queue B[/b]

Now I have a MDB which should consume the messages from queue B, but it doesn't.

Here are the questions:
1. Do I have to deploy a second genericra for the other queue?

2. Is this configuration correct?
the ejb-jar.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN' ''>

      <description><![CDATA[Message Receiver for MQSeries Sowu Queue]]></description>



the sun-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.1.1 EJB 3.0//EN" "">
                        <!-- Activation related RA specific configuration for this MDB -->
                                        resource-adapter-mid points to the Generic Resource Adapter for JMS

and here's the RA-config:
    <resource-adapter-config object-type="user" resource-adapter-name="genericraReceive">
      <property name="SupportsXA" value="false"/>
      <property name="Password" value="xxx"/>
      <property name="RMPolicy" value="OnePerPhysicalConnection"/>
      <property name="LogLevel" value="finest"/>
      <property name="ProviderIntegrationMode" value="jndi"/>
      <property name="JndiProperties" value=",java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory,java.naming.provider.url=file:/C:/www/fkd/MQSeries/JNDI-Directory"/>
      <property name="UserName" value="xxx"/>
The logmessages do not show any error during the deployment:

Created the object based on class|#]

About to set properties on queue://MN1P/BMW.NP.SOWUPREIS.FKDFKM?targetClient=1|#]

parseToProperties:null delimited:, seperator:=|#]

ProviderIntegrationMode jndi|#]

GenericJMSRA - getInstance() orig com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRA_at_6aacffd9{ConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{QueueConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{TopicConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{XAConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{XAQueueConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{XATopicConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{QueueClassName = null},{TopicClassName = null},{UnifiedDestinationClassName = null},{ConnectionFactoryProperties = null},{JndiProperties =,java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory,java.naming.provider.url=file:/C:/www/fkd/MQSeries/JNDI-Directory},{ProviderIntegrationMode = jndi},{CommonSetterMethodName = null},{SupportsXA = false},{DeliveryType = null},{UseFirstXAForRedelivery = false},|#]

Registering a endpoint consumer, transaction support :false|#]

Starting the message consumption|#]

Created non durable connection consumerqueue://QueueB/BMW.NP.SOWUPREIS.FKDFKM?targetClient=1|#]

Does anyone have an idea? It would be great to hear from you soon because I'm out of ideas and also out of time :-(
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