We have SunOne SJWS 70u2 with the lbplugin to passthrough Glassfish requests. We've found that the default error page comes up if the browser's header information contains a large amount of cookies. Manually sending requests to the web server and removing some of the cookies gets the request through, but the problem does not occur on static pages, so it has to be the plugin. I've tried updating the pluging the most current aslb-9.1.1-b9.jar (
http://download.java.net/javaee5/external/SunOS/aslb/jars/) but the problem persists.
The webserver error says the request timed out, but that can't be the case because the error comes up instantly.
Has anyone run into this or have a solution?
[Message sent by forum member 'misschatter' (misschatter_at_gmail.com)]