RE: port conflicts with glassfish v3 and v2

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 11:38:37 +0100



Looking at this:


I can delete a domain for example the domain within my glassfish v3 since it is the new installation.


Then create another domain in the same server using the the asadmin create domain command. So I can't keep

the old domain and change the port 8181? Or I can create an extra domain with another port number?


Thanking you in advance.



Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 03:29:31 -0700
From: Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM
Subject: Re: port conflicts with glassfish v3 and v2

Hi Eve,

You can change the port with the domainproperties option in create-domain command:

"asadmin create-domain ... --domainproperties http.ssl.port=<port number>..."

or use the option, --portbase which tells create-domain the base to start assigning port numbers.

Please see manpage from "asadmin create-domain --help" for more details.


Eve Pokua wrote:

Hello everyone,
Lately I have been having so much problems deploying my application and ended up
even installing glassfish v3 preview. I already had cluster profile installed for v2. I used port
4949 for admin console. Then port 9090 for http ports. Then there is the other port 8181 which
I was not given the opportunity to change during installation. Now I do believe the same port
is being used by my v2. So during deployment in version v2 I get port conflicts. The question is if
I can check available ports on my PC to use how do I change the port 8181 for one of my servers?
I had same problems with sql error which somebody has already submit a thread for. I am following the
thread to see if I can find a solution to some of the problems I am facing at the moment. See below:
Thanking you in advance.

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Looking at&nbsp;this:<BR>
<A href=""></A><BR>
I can delete a domain for&nbsp;example the domain within my glassfish v3 since it is the new installation.<BR>
Then create another domain in the same server&nbsp;using&nbsp;the the asadmin&nbsp;create domain command. So I can't keep<BR>
the old domain and change the&nbsp;port 8181?&nbsp; Or I can create an extra domain with another port number?<BR>
Thanking you in advance.<BR>
<HR id=stopSpelling>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 03:29:31 -0700<BR>From: Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM<BR>To:<BR>Subject: Re: port conflicts with glassfish v3 and v2<BR><BR>Hi Eve,<BR><BR>You can change the port with the domainproperties option in create-domain command:<BR><BR>"asadmin create-domain ... --domainproperties http.ssl.port=&lt;port number&gt;..."<BR><BR>or use the option, --portbase which tells create-domain the base to start assigning port numbers.<BR><BR>Please see manpage from "asadmin create-domain --help" for more details.<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Jane<BR><BR><BR>Eve Pokua wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE cite=mid:COL105-W5918C121CE3DAC1B203B8AD7D30_at_phx.gbl>
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Hello everyone,<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Lately I have been having so much problems deploying my application and ended up<BR>even installing glassfish v3 preview. I already had cluster profile installed for v2.&nbsp; I used port <BR>4949 for admin console. Then port 9090 for http ports.&nbsp; Then there is the other port 8181 which<BR>I was not given the opportunity to change during installation. Now I do believe the same port<BR>is being used by my v2. So during deployment in version v2 I get port conflicts. The question is if<BR>I can check available ports on my PC to use how do I change the port 8181 for one of my servers?<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I had same problems&nbsp;with sql error which somebody has already submit a thread for.&nbsp; I am following the <BR>thread to see if I can find a solution to some of the problems I am facing at the moment.&nbsp; See below:<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR><A href=""></A><BR>&nbsp;<BR>Thanking you in advance.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>eve<BR><BR><BR>
View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place - <A href="">Learn more!</A></BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <br /><hr />View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – <a href='' target='_new'>Learn more!</a></body>