Re: Coyote Connector Vs Grizzly Connector

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 10:01:11 -0400


Lasitha Kodikara wrote:
> Hi All,
> Currently I am performance tuning our production Application Server.
> When I was going through net, I came across that the Coyote Connector is
> much more stable than Default Grizzly Connector.

Hum the information is probably not correct. True we had some issue when
GF v1 was ship, but GF v2/3 doesn't suffer any issues.

But I still couldn’t
> get a clear understating on the difference, and the advantages of coyote.
> Can someone please explain me the difference and the advantages of
> Coyote Connector over Grizzly.

Coyote uses Blocking I/O for accepting connection, e.g for every request
a thread will be reserved for the life cycle of the request/connection.
So if you send 300 requests concurrently, you will need 300 threads for
servicing those requests, and if the request uses HTTP/1.1 protocol
(which I suspect yes), those 300 Threads will be blocked in between
request in order to support keep-alive from the browser.

Grizzly uses non-block9ngv I/O and doesn't block when supporting
keep-alive mechanism. That's the reason why by default GlassFish uses 5
threads to server tons of request, as Threads are only used to execute
the request, but doesn't block between request/keep alive.

Hope that help.

-- Jeanfrancois

> Best Regards,
> Lasitha
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