Secure Exceptions for NET client

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:42:34 PDT

hi, i've spend time through all net forums and i haven't found any answer. i'll explain a bit about the project and the issues i'm having.

i consume Java web services from a .NET client. the web service sends data to the client, but when something don't match with the parameters the web service sends a message to the client through an exception. ej. When the database don't find a client, the service throws an exception with the message "The client doesn't exist". don't ask me why the messages are sent through an exception....

Java web services are built in JDK 6.0 with NetBeans 6.5

NET side is working with Framework 3.0 and the client is WCF client.

we were asked to implement digital certificates to secure the data, the web services are secured with symmetrical keys and we're working with WSIT.

the web services works fine, but the message mechanism (sending messages through exceptions) is not working as it was.

i was catching the message in NET client with
    //Call Web service
catch(Exception ex)
    //Show "the client doesn't exist"

but now the services don't show the messages, instead it shows the next message

"An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail."

and the inner exception has the message it should show.

what i've been checking through googling is that the message in the exception is not secured. so... how can i solve this???

any help???
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