JMS issue

From: Danilo Levantesi <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 18:11:03 +0200

Hi to all,
I'm experiencing a weird issue with JMS.

I'm using Glassfish v2.1, where an EAR is deployed. One of the EJBs contains is a JMS topic producer and 3 MDBs are the subscribers.
The JMS Service is configured to run with LOCAL mode; the other options are the defaults one.

Often it happens that I found the whole server freezed; looking for a cause, I found the IMQ brooker unresponsive.
The imqcmd command cannot connect to the local instance.
The Glassfish logs show many message like the following:

[#|2009-10-02T15:39:55.986+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.jms.connection|_ThreadID=29;_ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 1
228;_RequestID=31f2e817-d644-4cc1-9ce8-3dfd8fe2b32e;|[W2003]: Broker not responding [START_TRANSACTION(44)] for 120 seconds.
Still trying..., broker addr=localhost:7678(36909), connectionID=345409444345888768, clientID=null, consumerID=337626|#]

The imq logs, instead, show many of the following:

[02/ott/2009:15:52:01 CEST] WARNING [B2176]: Force [CONNECTION_CLEANUP] ended (TMFAIL) transaction TID=345409472186151168[STA
RTED(1)], XID=77726F70312E6D6178616D692E6E65742C7365727665722C50333730322C00D5E20300D61C120F77726F70312E6D6178616D692E6E65742

[02/ott/2009:15:52:01 CEST] WARNING [B2177]: Force [CONNECTION_CLEANUP] rolled back transaction TID=345409472186151168[STARTE
D(1)], XID=77726F70312E6D6178616D692E6E65742C7365727665722C50333730322C00D5E20300D61C120F77726F70312E6D6178616D692E6E65742C73

and then:

[02/ott/2009:15:58:01 CEST] [B2173]: Destroying unresponsive connection 345409444349025280, connection has not responded for
933 seconds
[02/ott/2009:15:58:01 CEST] [B1066]: Closing: guest_at_127.0.0.1:46984->jms:36909 because "Connection unresponsive". Count: se
rvice=0 broker=5
[02/ott/2009:15:58:01 CEST] Internal Warning: message PING(54):0- on destroyed connection IMQConn[DESTROYED,

I cannot find a starting point to debug the cause: the same application runs on two different machines, and only one of them shows the above errors.
Moreover the issue appears randomly: sometimes the server runs smoothly for one or two days, sometimes only for few minutes.

Many thanks in advance