Re: line command in GF V3b66 ??

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 13:50:20 +0200

if I can suggest something, please keep the adminadmin default
password for V3 as well..

people are familiar with that.. I can't understand why to change that....

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 1:20 PM, kedar <> wrote:
> I think you're running into the issue where the "default domain" with
> v3 has changed its admin credentials. In v2, when you did ant -f
> setup.xml, you got a domain with admin user/password as:
> "admin/adminadmin", whereas in v3, the equivalent action (i.e. just
> unzipping the bundle) results in a default domain with admin user/password
> as: "admin"/no-password!
> Now, on such a domain, you are trying to provide --user "admin" with
> some other credentials.
> Easiest workaround is to create a domain with admin credentials that
> you think it should have by using the same passwordfile on create-domain
> command with --savelogin option.
> asadmin login command would also help, but you need to know that for
> the default domain, the credentials are "admin"/no-password.
> I guess we need to document this better ...
> -Kedar
> Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
>> I am trying to repeat my v2.1 line commands with the V3, but it is
>> failing to authenticate:
>> fgaucho_at_Fortunario:~$ asadmin --passwordfile=/home/fgaucho/.passwords
>> --user=admin delete-jdbc-connection-pool --cascade=true jdbc/arenaPool
>> Authentication failed with password from login store:
>> /home/fgaucho/.asadminpass
>> Enter admin password for user "admin">
>> Authentication failed for user: admin
>> (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
>> Command delete-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
>> I am typing the same password I use to successfully access the
>> Administration console on the browser...
>> any idea ??
>> my passwords file contents looks like this:
>> asadmin://admin_at_localhost:4848 YWRtaW5hZG1pbg==
>> asadmin://admin_at_localhost:4849 YWRtaW5hZG1pbg==
>> asadmin://admin_at_localhost:4949 YWRtaW5hZG1pbg==
>> MYSQL_USER=root
>> MYSQL_PASSWORD=adminadmin
>> DB_URL=jdbc\\:mysql\\://localhost\\:3306/arena
>> MAIL_USER=cejug.classifieds
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