Re: Glassfish v2.1 JMS stop calling consumers

From: Paulo Cesar Reis <>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 12:40:25 -0300

Hi Niege,

More information for you, when messages are received the jMS print the
configurations for that messages so maybe it can help:

[MessageReceiverBean] :: Message (
Class: com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.MessageImpl
getJMSTimestamp(): 1254929259059
getJMSCorrelationID(): null
JMSReplyTo: null
JMSDestination: NPMessageReceiverTopic
getJMSDeliveryMode(): PERSISTENT
getJMSRedelivered(): false
getJMSType(): null
getJMSExpiration(): 0
getJMSPriority(): 4
Properties: {my message confidential data}) was sent successful via
JMS. Others middle-ware applications should care about the next steps...

After that nothin' happens, no consumers called. Why the messages aren't
available after restart? The imq is not saving them.


On 10/7/09 12:18 PM, "Paulo Cesar Silva Reis" <> wrote:

> Hi Nigel,
> The problem happened again, in other machine on the same network. This time
> I had a chance to execute the command on imq, follow:
> Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:
> -------------------------
> Host Primary Port
> -------------------------
> localhost 7676
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Name Type State Producers Consumers Msgs
> Total Count UnAck
> Avg Size
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> NPAlarmHandlerQueue Queue RUNNING 0 1 0 0
> 0.0
> NPAlarmNotifierTopic Topic RUNNING 0 1 0 0
> 0.0
> NPEventChannelTopic Topic RUNNING 0 2 0 0
> 0.0
> NPMessageReceiverTopic Topic RUNNING 0 1 3811 559
> 1361.94
> NPMessageReplyQueue Queue RUNNING 0 1 1 1
> 379.0
> mq.sys.dmq Queue RUNNING 0 0 0 0
> 0.0
> Successfully listed destinations.
> As you can see, my Topic " NPMessageReceiverTopic" has tons of messages that
> is never bein' delivered, the JMS just stop calling consumers but continue
> to accept new messages, I hope you can help me.
> Thanks.
> On 10/6/09 3:42 PM, "Paulo Cesar Silva Reis" <> wrote:
>> Hi Nigel,
>> Thanks again for your dedication.
>> The weird problem is that I just have one server in production per client,
>> when I said I got 12 servers they're all in different clients, different
>> networks, we do not use any kind of cluster on mqbroker nor glassfish. I'm
>> using topic but currently I have only one MDB deployed that is able to
>> process this kind of message.
>> I'll try to turn on the problematic server again to execute the given
>> command maybe we could have some clue about what's goin' on but for me the
>> JMS Broker just stop calling consumers and if I try to stop glassfish (with
>> asadmin stop-service) the broker don't stop automatically, I have to kill it
>> (yeah). We're also making some tests on RAM and HD to check whether any
>> corruptions exist. As soon I get the results of the command ill report you
>> back.
>> Thanks.
>> On 10/6/09 1:16 PM, "Nigel Deakin" <Nigel.Deakin_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>> and