Why can't I rename .asadminpass?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 08:54:15 PDT


I'm trying to add two domains to my glassfishv3-web-preview install. I run glassfish using a system user 'glassfish'. I add the domains with the command:

sudo -u glassfish ./asadmin create-domain --user admin --savelogin --portbase 6600 testing

That outputs the file '/home/glassfish/.asadminpass'. I can start and stop the domain perfectly fine at that point using:

sudo -u glassfish ./asadmin start-domain testing


 sudo -u glassfish ./asadmin stop-domain --user admin --passwordfile /home/glassfish/.asadminpass testing

However, if I move the password file to '/home/glassfish/.asadminpass-testing' I get an error on shutdown:

sudo -u glassfish ./asadmin stop-domain --user admin --passwordfile /home/glassfish/.asadminpass-testing testing

com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: Authorization has been refused for credentials [user: admin] given in this request.
(Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
Command stop-domain failed.

What am I doing wrong? I'd be just as happy to remove the password files all together. Is there a way I can create a domain that doesn't require a password for shutdown without removing the web-gui password?
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