Re: How do I reset glassfish/esb server listener ip address on dev laptop?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 03:32:53 PDT

I have NOT found the solution yet.

What I have done, as a temporary workaround, and which I know will be a pain, is to change my loopback IP address to be the same one that is being listened on.

I have also changed domain.xml to change the "" ip addresses to "".

The admch file in domain1\config still has the old IP address in it.

The next issue I encountered was that service assemblies were attempting to call other web services defined on my host with URLs to http://localhost:8080/<stuff> - and that was getting a connection refused error - confirmed by wireshark.

What I did there is change the URL in the Casa<Service>.wsdl files to a named host - "mywshost:8080" - and define mywshost in hosts to be That has got me running again.

I expect I'll need to disable the loopback port before I turn off tonight, as tomorrow I'm back in the office.

Any explanations as to what is going on, and what the proper solution is, will be very much appreciated!
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