How do I reset glassfish/esb server listener ip address on dev laptop?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:26:38 PDT

New user, first time post. Hello!

I have recently moved from straight glassfish 2.1 developement to developing using BPEL - jbi, as well.

I have a windows xp laptop that I do my development on. I work in two locations - office, and home.

When I switch from office (ip address 156.x.x.x) to home (192.x.x.x), jbi will not start - it tries to do a listen on port 3343 on the work ip address:

BPCOR-5002: Restarting existing debug server on port: 3343
Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
JBIFW1149: Engine sun-bpel-engine cannot be started. The LifeCycle start() method threw a java.lang.RuntimeException exception.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to open socket: host--DEVLAPTOP/ port--3343. You might have more than one project deployed in debug mode!

(I don't have anything listening on 3343)

How do I reconfigure glassfish/jbi to use my local host? There is no place anywhere that mentions the ip address (I did a windows search); I cannot find it in regedit; and the admin console won't display.

It all works just fine at work. Except I'm not sure what will happen when my IP lease runs out!

Thanks for any and all help - Martin
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