Anyone successfully run Quercus/PHP on GF?

From: saturon <>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 19:14:35 +0200

Hi there,

Lately I've been trying to get Quercus to run on GF v2.1 and v3. but no
success. I just tried to run the Quercus sample application, and then a
CI app.

For the 2 versions:

- Quercus 4.0.1 : Loops of nullpointer exceptions in
        at com.caucho.util.Alarm.extractAlarm(
        at com.caucho.util.Alarm$
GF CPU is hovering at 50-60 %

- Quercus 3.2.1: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I am wondering since it is advertised on the Sun and GF sites that GF
supports PHP if there are any working application out there and the
configuration of those.

My ultimate goal would be to share the JPA backend between a Java and
PHP app and move the rather elementary PHP session handling to the JEE

Thanks for pointers, Ben