Re: Announcing v3 FishCAT, a community Beta testing program, please join Fish/CAT to find bugs

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:07:23 +0200

On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:21, Jose Noheda wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have to admit that I've been devoting more time to Tomcat than
> Glassfish for the last six months, mainly because several key
> features of my projects were not working in GFv3.

I think that this makes you a very good candidate, but I'll let Judy
and team reply.
Tomcat applications that do not work unmodified in v3 is something we
definitely want to hear about.

> May be it's time to test things again and report some issues. If you
> so consider count me in
> Regards
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:44 PM, Judy Tang <>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Welcome to the FishCAT - a GlassFish Community Acceptance Testing
> program. The main goal of this
> program is to provide opportunity to community to significantly
> influence the quality of the GlassFish as well
> as to get early feedback on stability and usability in GlassFish
> Beta testing cycle. We had a very successful
> FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 Prelude, click you will see who
> joined and how many bugs filed. We
> appreciate all your help. We had fun and let's do it again !
> We will start our second FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 in about
> one week. We would like to invite
> you to join FishCAT program by filling out this online application
> form (click). If you have an experience
> with GlassFish and want to contribute some time and effort to test
> GlassFish v3, review docs or do i18n/l10n
> testing, please join us, applications are being accepted until 9/23
> next Wednesday.
> We will use mailing list for FishCAT
> program communication.Your voice is
> important to us. Ready to contribute ? We look forward to hearing
> from you !
> Best regards,
> Judy/Yifeng
> FishCAT coordinator for GFQC
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