Service not working anymore with SYSTEM account

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:17:16 +0200

On Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 with latest security patches we installed
JDK 1.6.0_07 + GlassFish v2ur2. Using appService.exe we installed a
Windows Service. The service is running with SYSTEM account. Everything
worked well for two weeks.


Since yesterday the service is not starting anymore. In fact, when doing
NET START, it says that it successfully started the service IMMEDIATELY
(with no waiting for lot os ellipses to appear like usually). But there
is no process runing. No jvm.log or server.log written. Just nothing.


I noticed that the administrator was able to start GlassFish using
manual "asadmin" command (which is excatly what appService.exe would
do), so I changed the service to not run with SYSTEM account but as the
local administrator. AND IT WORKS.


Nobody has touched the host -- I am the only one who knows the password!
The only thing we changed was: We have put the machine into a customer's
LAN (but have not registered it with the domain).


I do not believe in ghosts. But why did that happen? And why is there
nothing, no error message, no logs. Nothing.?!


