Glassfish http://localhost 404 problem

From: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 20:14:51 PDT

Hi there,
  I have problem with my glassfish tonight, it worked well before.
  I'm using Netbean 6.5 with glassfish v2.
  When I navigate the page with http://localhost:8080/WebApplication4/faces/welcomeJSF.jsp, it keeps saying 404 webpage not found.
  If I use the https://localhost:8181/WebApplication4/faces/welcomeJSF.jsp, it works well. I've also tried to telnet localhost 8080, the port is open.
  I've also tried to change the "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" file, but still doesn't work.
  Now, the only way to access that page via http protocal is using the IP address instead of localhost.
  Can anyone help me with this problem? thank you in advance.
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