Re: Issue with GlasFish-v3 and Jython

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 11:25:49 +0200

This fuji build uses GlassFish v3b52 which should be enough to run
Jython/Django apps (it postdates v3 Preview which Vivek used to write
his blog entry [1]) *but* it has no IPS built in, so no update center.
While you can still manually install Jython you would still need to
install the Jython container (glue code for GlassFish to properly
dispatch Jython requests to the Jython runtime). I don't know of an
easy way to do this without the update center.

If you don't need Fuji/ESB features, I would recommend using plain
GlassFish v3 (Preview with the update for instance) [2].
You can get both Jython and the Jython container straight from the

Allso CC'ing Fuji's Andy for his take on this.



On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:50, Stefan Filatov wrote:

> Wow
> Very quick answer :) :) Didn't expect :)
> I got GlassFish from here:
> It glassfish with openEsb project. i will need esb service in my
> future projects, that's why i got that one.
> The issue is that i don't see such row with GlassFish Jython
> container in the update tool list.
> i found package with Jython container here:
> but i'm not sure that i install it correct: i just unpackaged it to
> the folder /glassfish/modules/
> Yes, i have installed Jython 2.5 and Django 1.1
> Then i do next:
> $ asadmin create-jvm-options -Djython.home=/my_dir/jython/2.5.0
> going to my application folder
> $ cd my_application
> $ asadmin deploy .
> and when i try deploy application a got error, that i described
> earlier:
> "remote failure: There is no installed container capable of handling
> this application com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_93f0c6
> Command deploy failed."
> BTW, how can i do stack trace?
> Regards, Stefan
> 2009/9/4 Vivek Pandey <>
> Hi Stefan,
> I guess I need more info so that I can see whats going on. Few
> questions,
> - What glassfish v3 build you are trying? Latest Jython container as
> well as Jython 2.5 runtime is available on updatecenter.
> - Can you provide the complete stack trace? Also do you have jython
> installed. Also Django on top of Jython. See [1] as a reference.
> vivek.
> [1]
> Stefan Filatov wrote:
> Hello, Trying to do use Jython container to run Python applications
> on GlassFishv3. But when i open update tool, there is no Jython
> container in the list. Then i found package with Jython container on
> this site. Unpackaged it at the glassfish/modules directory. when i
> try to deploy some python application i get next error: " emote
> failure: There is no installed container capable of handling this
> application com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_93f0c6
> Command deploy failed. " About my environment: Ubuntu 9.0.4;
> GlassFishv3; Python2.5; Django1.1 Can you advise? Regards, Stefan
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